William Capurnicus Harold is the earliest Harold known definitely
to be related to our family. He was born in Liverpool on
26th November 1827. His parents are not known with certainty but
see below for a conjecture about this. It is known that he was
educated at the Blue Coat School in Liverpool. This makes it probable
that he was either orphaned or else his parents fell on hard times and
could not support his schooling.
At the age of 17, on completing his studies he was sent to St. Vincent
in the West Indies, as an indentured immigrant, to work as an apprentice
store keeper for the Hopley firm. After his apprentice ship, of
approximately five years was served, he received a lump sum payment
of £15 and was able to continue on his own.
The picture here is believed to be of William, on the left, with two
of his sons. The photograph was taken beside the famous Carib rock
painting at Layou in western St. Vincent and the photographer was
another son, Robert Harold. It was kindly sent to me by Lucio Araujo,
a great grandson of William and Sarah, living on Trinidad.
After completing his apprenticeship, William remained in St. Vincent
as a store keeper in his own right and on March 31st 1856 he was
married to Sarah Cunningham, in the Anglican Cathedral on the island.
Sarah was born around 1834 and it is believed she that she was of
English descent though her parentage is not known. She was adopted
as an infant, having been found abandoned on a doorstep, if family
legend is to be believed.