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  • A brief history of me:

    Okay, about me, I moved back to Oxford after finishing my undergrad degree in Cardiff (year and a half now - Christ time goes fast), bought a horse who is now my main passion (as well as main time constraint and cash expenditure), I worked in the livery yard where he lives for a few months and I am now living in college accommodation and doing a D.Phil. in Atmospheric Physics at Oxford University. That's a brief history of the last section of my life and a clear indication that sentence structure is not one of my strengths.

    Away from the animal kingdom (equine and canine) my main interests are live music and alcohol (for socialising), chocolate (an addiction), being in the countryside (born and bred), being in the city (adopted home), photography, geophysical fluid dynamics (which I wish I understood), sleep (which sadly seems to be a thing of the past).

  • Relevant Links:

    I love photographs, whether they be black and white 35mm film developed and printed in a darkroom, digital prints majorly gimped or that special moment captured on a mobile phone. Hence, see some of my photos here.

    I've been addicted to the saddle since I started lessons when I was but a small nipper. See my horsey history here.

    Finally if you want to know any more about me or get in contact for some reason feel free to visit my myspace page.

Copyright © Judy Simpson 1999-2008 Back to index. Last Updated 2008-01-06