The Millennium Pot

We celebrated the new year / new century / new millennium with a "mini-beacon" fire in the garden. And what better use for it than to fire the first Shotover Pot of the new millennium?

The pictures which follow show the pot being retrieved. Click on any of the small pictures to see a larger version.

After glazing thickly with a raku glaze, the pot was packed in an old biscuit tin, surrounded by wood shavings. The tin was left in the hottest part of the fire, and recovered next morning when the fire was out.
Despite the tin having been distinctly squashed, the pot was intact.
Another hurdle overcome, it had not fused to the tin and was easily removed after bending some of the collapsed tin out of the way.
A good "interesting" raku pot.

Whilst not exactly Shotover Pottery's most technically perfect piece, this is certainly a unique pot, not to be repeated for another 1000 years!

Copyright © Alan Simpson 2000 Back to index. Last Updated 2000-05-03